Parley and The Pirates of America

As President Barack Hussein Obama’s tenure draws to a close, the Lame Duck President has busied himself with such issues as preserving his legacy and issuing pardons.

Film Still Handout photo from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Pictured: Captain Jack Sparrow (JOHNNY DEPP). See PA Feature FILM Depp. PA Photo/Peter Mountain/Buena Vista International.  ©2006 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.     DATE CREATED: 27/06/2006

One pardon in particular evokes the vision of the Captain Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean fame running away from his adversaries shouting, “Parley! Parley!”

“Parley” is a term written in the Pirata Codex. It gives any member of the Pirate Brethren the right to invoke temporary protection while being brought before the captain to “negotiate” without being harmed.

This “protection” was a temporary arrangement, but if negotiations were successful, the invokee could eliminate potential future discomfort if a permanent pardon were put in place.

What kind of permanent pardon you might ask?pirate-obama

Well, like that of a pardon from the President of the United States!

Two particular types Parleys come to mind.

It was reported today that one of the first things Donald Trump would do as President is to declare The Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

Uh oh…

muslim-brotherhood-flagSuch a declaration no doubt immediately triggered cries of “Parley!” throughout the Obama administration. That’s because it’s been widely documented that Obama has appointed many Muslim Brotherhood associates to all levels of his government.  And after all, they are sort of like pirates, one can guess.

Aye, Matey! That is a fact!

And this same administration was instrumental in the installation of Mohammed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, as president of Egypt after the Arab Spring in early 2011. The pirate Morsi was kicked out of office by the Egyptians after a short tenure, and the Arab country eventually declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

But that’s okay. As a Pirate, you win some and you lose some. And the organization did gain a foothold in America after all.

And these are not the only pirates looking for a Parley. I believe I heard a female voice clamoring for the rite. It was none other than Hillary Clinton herself.

Faced with numerous allegations of using a private email server while Secretary of State, a pirate-hillarynew administration could very well reopen the case and bring charges.

To stave off that potentiality, it was reported by the New York Post on November 9th that The Whitehouse was “open” to a pardon of Mrs. Clinton.

Wait… she hasn’t even been charged. How can you pardon someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime? Hum… it would seem that even the fans of pirates are calling for a Parley!

But this cry of Parley on her behalf would understandably have to be much broader if Donald Trump was serious at the presidential debate when he said he would bring charges against her. There is, after all, the issue of Benghazi and allegations of the illegal funding of The Clinton Foundation. A pardon for the former Secretary would certainly have to be extensive. One wonders if it should include any future issues of jaywalking or speeding just to be safe.

But wait, let’s not exclude the pirates on the other side of the aisle.

Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, reportedly said today that he and the President Elect have patched things up. He’s stated that he could work with Mr. Trump, but this writer wonders if it is simply a whisper of Parley in an effort to mend the ugly rift that occurred during the campaign. Other Republicans who didn’t want anything to do with The Donald have no doubt begun to make some overtures of Parley prior to his taking office.

trump-pirate-1And what of this newest pirate on the scene – Trump himself? The businessman and reality star is by no means a saint. Scratching and clawing your way to the top of the heap in the real estate and gambling markets is no simple task. Such endeavors, especially in those environments would take a shrewd, some might say ruthless, individual, ah… just like a pirate.

What kind of President Mr. Trump will be remains to be seen. He is a wildcard and the great unknown. Can he play nice? Does he have the gravitas to govern? Those who’ve elected him believe him to be a “good” pirate. But a pirate is a pirate nonetheless, and one cannot help but wonder how long before he brings out the eye patch and the parrot.

Every pirate has his day and Mr. Trump’s will come. For now, we focus on the last vestiges of the current Pirate-in-Chief and all that the last two months of his eight years in office will bring.

Much can happen between now and inauguration day. Legacies, both good and dreadful, are to be solidified and there are plenty of pirates to appease.

(To read the Post article on Hillary Clinton’s potential pardon, go here:

daniel_holdings_4Daniel Holdings is an author and radio show personality. His thrillers have amazingly forecasted, and some even say “predicted,” the future. Even now things from his novels are coming true. Be sure to check out his website to find all of his work. To find out what’s coming next, get his books at a 8% discount when you use the coupon code – Pirate.