Some experts have stated that the ubiquitous and potentially dangerous uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) deem it necessary to consider sweeping regulation over the technology. It is an anthropomorphic evolutionary leap from human leadership, to automation, robotic manufacturing, deep learning and, dare I say, human technological dependence. It is also uncharted territory. The Problem It […]
If only you could totally remodel your house in the time it took you to watch the latest episode of Fixer Upper! Think of it: what if from the first joy of smashing those ugly kitchen cabinets with a sledgehammer, to that “Ahhhhhhh” moment of walking through each finished room was as easy as flipping […]
Can anyone really explain the bond between a pet owner and his pet? That seemingly supernatural link between animal and human is one that crosses natural boundaries. However they do it, your pets know you and, at times, what you are thinking or feeling. Stranger still is the fact that sometimes you even know their […]