For such as time as this Daniel and his partner on The Remnant Road, Al McCarn on Hebrew Nation’s Monday Morning Show, host Hanoch Young who provides insights from a Jewish perspective on what YHVH is doing in these days to restore all of Israel! Astounding developments are taking place right now not only as […]
Category Archives: Show Archives
Awkward Truth in Improbably Places We cross into the Hebrew year 5777 with a new friend who has made a career of testing received truth according to the evidence. Dr. Aaron Judkins, the “Maverick Archaeologist”, shares his experiences investigating evidence for the biblical record in such places as Mount Ararat, Israel, Peru, and Texas. It […]
What is going on with this election? We have entered a time when new outrages against the established order of the world pop up every week. The start of this week featured the exhibition of the Palmyra Arch in New York City. Listeners to the Remnant Road know what that is: a replica the Roman […]