Daniel Holdings joins the iconic host John B. Wells to discuss how “The Search of Truth Takes Courage” and the theme’s relation to all the crazy things that are going on in the world today. The men discuss everything from the upcoming election, financial collapse, nuclear war and more. In his “tell it like it […]
Tag Archives: Financial Crises
The LHC – A Modern Day Tower of Babel Author and researcher Anthony Patch joins Daniel in an in depth and fluid discussion about CERN, The Large Hadron Collider and real life attempts by today’s most brilliant minds to rip open the Veil that separates the supernatural world and the 3D realm we live in. […]
The Father’s Plan Australia’s Margo Crossing of Lost Tribes Found joins Daniel for an indepth discussion of how The Father’s plan is being played out on the earth with the dispersion of Israel millennia ago. By seeding His people in the nations, He has assured the the Good News of His covenant can go forth. […]